When You Need Help

With Senior Insurance Issues


Seniors have unique insurance requirements. Many who have paid for policies for years may now need to use them, or unlock the value stored in them. Additionally, there are insurance policies that they may need to add. We help seniors and their families navigate the life and health insurance system. 

Maximizing the BENEFITS Out of the ASSETS You Have!

Claim Filing and Appeal of Denials for:

    • Long Term Care Insurance

    • Life Insurance

    • Medicare/ Health Insurance

According to the New York Times, 4 of 5 Long Term Care Insurance claims that are filed are denied. We can help you make sure the claim you file is valid and paid. Whether you or your loved one needs assisted living, home care, or nursing home care, or you have been denied benefits for health or life insurance, we can evaluate the situation and assist with the filing or appeal of the claim.

Life/Health Agent, Licensed Insurance AdvisorLife Settlement Broker


Member of the Following Professional Organizations

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